So I promise I’m not going to inundate your newsfeed. But today, the start of such an important month, there’s a lot I need/want to say.
The misconceptions about diabetes. The lack of education. The lack of common sense.
While yes, my family and friends “know” about my disease, they know I cope. They know I live. They know I love. But what about those who don’t know?
Those misconceptions.
Those messages from people thinking they are being kind, or helping, by saying, “hey, if you just stop eating sugar” or “if you get surgery to lose weight” or “hey, I have this awesome cinnamon cure for diabetes” – it’s because they know no different.
So instead of my blood pressure going up 150000000 points (I promise, it’s happened 😉) I’m going to be the difference. I’m going to be the advocacy. I’m going to stand up and say, hey, while I appreciate your concerns, Type 1 is just a bit different then you may think it is.
Dia-beetus isn’t funny.
But neither is blindness and kidney failure. All things too common in people with diabetes.
So this month, join me, help me and hold me accountable to educate 💗