First off, let me say that Megan’s Touch is a place for my family and I to reflect on our lives with diabetes, but also a place to share our everyday triumphs and thoughts. That being said, here’s a little post on how special this Easter will always be remembered.
This picture is special in so many ways, not only is this a picture of the most amazing Grandparents a girl could imagine, but they have always been my biggest cheerleaders in my everyday challenges with diabetes. Now, in a blog post, you can’t see the tears streaming down my face, but let me assure you, they are there.
March 2nd, my Gramps went into the hospital. Not knowing what was wrong, or going into the details, he spent 12 extremely long days there. After several annoying doctors later, there was diagnosis of cancer. A word that I never wanted to hear, let alone know that my precious Gramps was diagnosed with. But it’s here and we’re dealing with it, as a family, as we always do. The picture above was taken the day after he started his 1st chemo treatment in Dallas, TX at an amazing facility and he got to spend some time with my amazing Aunt and Uncle who reside in Dallas.
Now, for the fun stuff, interesting part of my Gramps being on chemo – he got to wear a pump for 48 hours, and will continue to for, I believe, 4 more treatments at 48 hours each. So he carried his big pump around with him, and I got to kid him about what it’s like wearing/living with an insulin pump/pod. Interesting how these things work out. I got to show him how to roll in his sleep wearing that, get up in the middle of the night with beeping low batteries and try to “deal” with being connected to something for living-saving treatment. Now I understand chemo and an insulin pump are COMPLETELY different, and I understand no one can compare cancer to diabetes, that’s not my point. But the fact that I had someone else in my family understand what it’s like being hooked up to something, made it seem a little easier for a bit. Life isn’t always fair, our health isn’t always guaranteed, but learning to live the life we have is what we have to do. So Gramps, this one is for you! <3 you with all my heart!